Hi, I am a third-year PhD candidate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Wai Lam. My research interest lies in natural language processing. I used to be a research assistant supervised by Prof. Yue Zhang. Even before that, I got my bachelor degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Email: senyang [DOT] stu [AT] gmail [DOT] com



Research Papers

( * = equal contribution)




I have been a reviewer for multiple rounds of ARR. I have also reviewed papers for the following conferences:

  • ACL 2021
  • EMNLP 2023, 2022, 2021


I have been a teaching assistant for the following courses at CUHK:

  • SEEM 4630: E-Commerce Data Mining (2023-24 Term 2)
  • ENGG 1130: Multivariable Calculus for Engineers (2022-23 Term 2)